Ancient Persia

Ancient Persia

The ancient land of Persia include parts of both Iran and Afghanistan the current. Under the rule of Cyrus the Great and Darius I and Xerxes and other pimp, Knight became home to a thriving civilization and a center of a vast empire. Persians called the area the land of the Aryans, which is derived from Iran's name, called the Persian language Aryan language.
Mustang was first seemed to have come to the region from the south of the territory of the Urals in the tenth century AD, before and after preparing them became administrators and organizers are good, the empire they set up more than two hundred years continued. Persians invented the important things in government, law and religion. As devised by mail system used a rotation of fast horses. Also they established a system for irrigation, and tried to unify weights and scales.

Persians factor of their subjects better than did their predecessors, perhaps influenced in the last governments and policy practices. Alexander the Great have built on the achievements of the Persians to unite his empire, and took advantage of them Arabs to build some semblance of civilization later.
In the sixth century BC, Knight became the center of the vast Achaemenid Empire, which included most of the then known world. Extended North Africa and South-Eastern Europe from the West to India in the east, and the Gulf of Oman in the south to the south and Russia to the north of Turkestan. At the beginning of the fifth century BC, the Persians invaded Greece. But the Greeks were able to drive them out of Europe and stopped the expansion of their empire. Alexander the Great was able to defeat the Persian Empire in 331q.m. After that, dominated Alfrtheon and Sassanid Persians Persia before the Arab Muslims open their country in 641 AD.