Ottoman Empire part 1

Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire (Turkish Ottoman: Dawlat the Ottoman; [3] the modern Turkish: Yüce Osmanlı Devleti) is an Islamic empire founded by Osman I bin Ertugrul, and continued a list of nearly 600 years, and specifically about July 27 the year 1299 till October 29 since 1923. [4]
The Ottoman Empire reached the height of its glory and power during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, running for the equivalent territory to include large parts of the continents of the ancient world three: Europe, Asia and Africa, where he underwent a full Asia Minor and large parts of South-Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. [5] number of Ottoman States arrived in 29 states, and it was the state's sovereignty par on a number of neighboring countries and the UAE in Europe, which has become some of them is effectively part of the state with the passage of time, while others got the kind of autonomy. The state of the Ottoman rule of the few distant countries as well as up, either by virtue of being Islamic countries follow Sharia Sultan Al Othman being holds the title of "Commander of the Faithful" and "Caliph of the Muslims," ​​as in the case of the Sultanate of Aceh Sumatran which declared its loyalty to the Sultan in the year 1565; or through its acquisition by a temporary period, as in the case of "Lanzarote" Island in the Atlantic Ocean, which opened the Ottomans in 1585 AD. [6]
Became the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the first "legal" (ruled since 1520 until the year 1566), a superpower of the political and military terms, and became Constantinople as its capital play the role of a link between the European Christian and the Muslim east of the Worlds, [7] [8] After the end of the reign of Sultan aforementioned, which is considered the golden age of the Ottoman Empire, the state was hit by weakness and disintegration, is losing its property little by little, even though they knew periods of recovery and reform, but they were not enough to return it to its former position.
Ottoman Empire ended with the political as on November 1, 1922, and was removed as a state list of the rule of law on July 24, 1923, after signing the Treaty of Lausanne, and remain permanently in October 29 of the same year when the Turkish Republic, which is currently considered as the rightful heir to the Ottoman Empire. [9]
Ottoman Empire is known by different names in the Arabic language, most important of which is the "attic state," an acronym official name "State attic Ottoman", was also known locally in many Arab countries, especially the Levant and Egypt, "Alosmlah state," etymology of the word "Osmly - Osmanlı" in Turkish, which means "Ottoman". Other names that have been added, citing the Arab names of those European "Ottoman Empire" (in Turkish: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu), as well as some dubbed the name "of the Ottoman Empire," and "State of Al Othman."
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First out of the Ottomans and their homeland
Ottomans some of the Turks, they belong - from the standpoint of ethnicity - to the yellow race or ethnicity Mughal, a race which belongs to the Mongols, Chinese and other peoples of East Asia. [10] It was home to the first Turks in Central Asia, in the countryside between the Altai Mountains east and the Caspian Sea in the west, has been divided into clans and many tribes, including clan "Qaaa", [10] who were displaced during the reign of its leader, "Kunduz Alp" to pasture, north-west of Armenia near the city of mixer, when he seized the Mongols, led by Genghis Khan on the Khorasan. [ 10] the early political life of this clan is shrouded in mystery, which is closer to the mythology of them to the facts, but everything that is known about them is stability in that region for a period of time, and inferred that this is true by a number of stones and tombs belonging to the ancestors of the sons of Osman. [ 11] and taken advantage of the available information that this clan left the area around mixer year 1229 under the military events in the region, pressure, due to wars raised by the Sultan Jalal al-Din al-Khwarizmi, which fell into the Tigris River basin. [12]
 Rise of the Ottoman Empire (1299-1453)

Prince gaseous Ertugrul bin Suleiman Shah, the direct ancestor of the Sultans Al Othman.

"Kunduz Alpes" The following year he died for the exodus of his clan to the Tigris Basin, heads the clan of his son Solomon, and his grandson, "Ertugrul" who journeyed with his clan to the city of Erzincan, was the scene of fighting between the Seljuks and Akhawarzmeyen, Valthak Sultan Alaeddin Sultan of Konya, one of the UAE Seljuk Service which was established after the dissolution of the Seljuk state bones, [13] [note 1] and supported by the wars against Akhawarzmeyen, Vkavoh Seljuk Sultan that I will cut off his clan some fertile land near the city of Ankara. [14] Ertugrul remained an ally of the Seljuks so I will make the Seljuk Sultan area in the far northwest from Anatolia to the Byzantine border, known as the "Scud" the area around the ASCII city of the month, where the clan began a new life as well as the UAE Turkmen preceded to the region. [11] Ola would Ertugrul the Sultan after he proved his loyalty to the Seljuks, and showed his clan fighting efficiency high in every battle and found always at the forefront of armies was victory at the hands of their children, [13] Vkavoh Sultan that deposed him the title of "the height of Bucky", ie, the governor of the border, in recognition of greatness his command. [14] However, Ertugrul was a political ambitions far, no convinces this area that I will make them Seljuk Sultan, not the title, which Zafar, and the task of the border guard and maintain; it began attacking the name of Sultan property Byzantines in Anatolia, [15] Vastoly on the city of Eskişehir and annexed to his property, he was able to expand its territory during the period half a century he spent as a prince on a border province, and died in 1281 AD at the age of ninety years old, [16] after take off it is another great title "Ghazi", [17] in recognition of his conquests and his conquests.

Sultan Osman Khan gaseous I, [note 2] the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
After Ertugrul took over the leadership of the emirate's eldest son Osman, Vokhals loyalty to the state Seljuk despite what was wandering the disorder and was threatened by the dangers. [18] Osman showed early in his political prowess in its relations with its neighbors, was held alliances with Emirates Turkmen neighbors, and the face military activity towards the Byzantine territory to complete the message state Seljuks Roman opening all the Byzantine territory, and entered into the Islamic lands, and encouraged him to that state of weakness that cropped up in the body and its organs of the Byzantine Empire, and its involvement wars in Europe, [16] Votah him so easy expansion towards the west of Anatolia, In crossing the Dardanelles to the south-eastern Europe. Administratively, Osman has shown superior ability in the development of administrative systems for the emirate, so the Ottomans cut in the custody of a long way on the path of transformation of the system Tribe mobile to stable management system, which has helped it consolidate its position and develop rapidly into a major state. [16] have shown Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Kayqubad III deep appreciation of the services Osman, giving him the title of "Osman Gazi border guard high prestige, Osman Pasha." [16]
The oldest Osman after his feet proved in the emirate to expand its borders to the Byzantines. In 1291 open city, "Kara JH siege" to the south of the Scud, and make it the base for him, and ordered the establishment of the sermon in his name, [19] which is the first manifestation of sovereignty and power , including clan led to the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Black Sea. [18] while overcoming the Mongols on the State of Konya Seljuk, Osman was quick to declare independence from the Seljuks and the title itself, "پadeschah Al Othman" any monarch Al Osman, [20] was so real founder of the Turkish state Grand attributed to him later. [18] remained Osman govern the new state as an independent authority until the date of April 6 the year 1326 AD, corresponding to the 2 May the year 726 AH, when he finished his son "Orhan" the city of Bursa, located close to the Sea of ​​Marmara, [18] this year, Osman died at the age of seventy years, [21] after the foundations of the state development and the cradle of her driveway growth and prosperity, and take off the last title is "Kara Osman", which means "Osman black" in Turkish modern, but is intended to "brave "or" great "or" great "in the Ottoman Turkish. [22]

 Ismail bin Haider, that threaten the Ottoman empire in the East.