Sultan Ahmed III receives French ambassador, "Charles Al Friuli" in the Royal Court in 1699, quill, "Jean-Baptiste phamur."

Tuğra Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520).
Ottoman dynasty longer Islamic ruling families strains are considered older, [168] and was head of the family is the Sultan, which is at the same time the head of state, the Caliph of the Muslims, and was referred to as the "پadeschah" meaning "king of kings" or "Lord of the Kings," and he ruled the state free rein, not constrained by only the limits of Islamic law, where the Shaykh al-Islam has the power to isolate the Sultan if it is proven that it exceeded the limits of the law or injured mental disability or physically prevent him from exercising his work and attention to the affairs of the subjects to the fullest. [note 14] was the first sultans who hit the state in their reign the height of its glory and power committed to the limits of the law normally, but after the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman court sustained severe corruption continued until take over Sultan Mustafa IV throne, [140] were sentenced during this eighteen sultan duration, not one of them was on the level qualifies because the judgment exercised only by ministers were sometimes an example of corruption, and other times Mhfiqin on the state of collapse, as they were doing reforms give a vital state to enable them to affairs management for several years. [169] the Ottoman family Turkish family of ethnic and inheritance only point of view, and in fact it became Ottoman house at the height of the widening state is a cultural blend widely civilizations and cultures of neighboring, which made the Turkish element of the state is losing its dominance with the passage of time, and became the state as a whole is referred to in Europe as "the Orient." [170] was for each authority has its own stamp made at the beginning of his reign and is used to seal Farmans and messages of kings, emperors and other rulers, and knows this seal as "monogram," the evolution of the form of the monogram since it invented the Sultan Orkhan first until the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, when taken shape constant used by the rest of the sultans who followed him. [171]
Dar harem at Topkapı Palace.
Observed during the period of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, poor attention to the affairs of state sultans practice. A number of these sultans, before they take over the throne, prisoners in Dar harem or in the cellars, which impacted negatively on their behavior during their term of governance, of whom it was extremely wasteful pomp and murder, while others filled hunting and consumption of alcohol, corruption, robbery of state finances and taking bribery and selling positions, and had a strong women palace influencing sultans, especially in the seventeenth century, where the state at times under Gmhn. [172]
Sultans continued their actual rulers of the state since the era of Mustafa IV until Abdul Hamid II, when it became running the country, however, the Union and Progress Association and became the Sultan merely a tool in their hands Asarunha as they please, turning his title to the "Sultan of the Ottoman and Muslim caliph", [173] after it was the title of Sultan of the longest titles of the rulers of the world previously, Valsltan Suleiman the Magnificent, for example, was nicknamed "Sultan of sultans and proof Akhawaqan and faithful and successor of the Messenger of Allah, crowned kings under God in the earths and the Sultan of Bahrain and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, king of Anatolia and Rumelia and Kurmanbek rum and the mandate of a fatalistic and Diyarbakir and Kurdistan and Azerbaijan, Persians and the Levant, and Aleppo, Egypt and all the Arab lands of Yemen and many other kingdoms, Sultan Suleiman Khan, son of Sultan Selim Khan, son of Sultan Bayezid Khan. "[174]
Grand Vizier "Ibrahim Pasha" receives members of the French delegation to the Sublime Porte on October 10, 1724.
Was the title of "minister" is used during the early stages of the Ottoman Empire. The first title of the greatest chest was the minister, "Khalil Pasha, the best religion," the Minister Sultan Murad I. The purpose of the new title is a distinction Royal seal holder of the other ministers. Then he began the new title "was released greatest" replace the old title "Minister of the greatest" gradually even if they have the same meaning and rank. During the Ottoman history he appeared new titles of the greatest of the chest, such as high-Sadr and the agent and the owner of the absolute state and Sardar Akram greatest Higher Self and Sardar. Has emerged as the importance of the breasts bones after the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, when they became in charge of the affairs of state, and the best known of the "Koprola." [175] After a period of organizations in the nineteenth century, it became The Grand Vizier a position of greater role than in the post of prime minister Western monarchies. After the adoption of the Constitution of 1908, the Grand Vizier became responsible for his actions before the parliament. [176]
[Edit] local administrative body
US Ottoman Bank after the Berlin conference.
Due to the expansion of the Ottoman state was divided into states or "Ayalat," then divided each state to sanjaks or counties, and all the ways of Sandzak, and every hand to the neighborhoods and lanes. The state governor, or the governor and title "Pasha", depending on the central government in Astana, while he was governor of Sandzak, or "Gmadar" and title of "Bey", a follower of the Pasha, assisted by the Office and "Sobashi", ie security officer; he was governor of hand, and title of "Aga" follower of Lübeck, and it was the heads of every living or hot, "Mukhtar" continued to Agha. [177] and the governor was re-buy the office of Grand Vizier each year, it was natural that he goes to extort the payment of exorbitant taxes that were imposed on the parish It is under his authority staff, as it was second nature to these staff intentionally turn to extort money by various means from the people, and knew the system, ie the collection of the annual tax for the area of land from her family of peasants, as "compliance system." [140] was to Sham distinct from the other governors to add the position of the Emirate of Hajj it, and the task of "Prince of the pilgrimage" supervision on a convoy of Hajj al-Shami, which includes pilgrims from across the Levant, Anatolia and the Balkans, and to secure necessary for the safety of the pilgrims, water, soldiers and guide expert road or more of the manual, and other matters. The number of states of the country varies between now and then, according to gain or lose from countries, or because of the integration of some States to each other. [177]
It established the Ottomans during some periods of history, a new local administrative divisions, in the era of expansion and conquests became a State, including a new brigades was difficult to link them in the capital, was forced into a number of them in a single state, and was appointed at the head of each state Emir brigade commanders, surnamed "Bklr your" . The Ottomans also established "Almtsrvip" system during the period of the demise of the state, under pressure from the Europeans, and this system is designed from the ground up to protect the Christian minority religious groups in the country and give them some sort of autonomy, as in the case of Mt Lebanon, or to protect some sacred areas when the people of the book in general , such as Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem. He was appointed at the head of Almtsrvip employee Osmani, known as "disposed", and in the case of Mt Lebanon, it was to be a Christian Ottoman non-Lebanese or Turkish. [178]
Ottoman parliament and constitution
Gaseous Sultan Abdul Aziz Khan, the first, the first Ottoman Sultan founded the Council is a quasi-constitutional nature.
The beginning of constitutional life is rooted in the Ottoman Empire to the year 1808, the year in which it held the Sultan Mahmud II the throne of the Sultanate, in the beginning of his term Grand Vizier called Mustafa Pasha Bayraktar to the advisory board was held in Astana, offering reform program highlights what it was required to state governors loyal to the Sultan , the central state and pledged full obedience to its decisions, and select the agreement relations between the state governors to each other, and therefore the state employees on the basis of mutual guarantees based on justice. [179] and can be had for this agreement to be the basis of a real constitution of the Ottoman Empire, but he did not live long, Valsltan did not sign it unless forced, when he saw himself compelled to believe him and issued, by that promise detraction from his power, so he decided to cancel when Snouh the first opportunity, and managed it when Bayraktar was killed, and during the following years subjected to the Sultan of the Ottoman States a strong central government. [179]
It issued during the reign of Sultan Abdul Majid, the first reform laws of several of quasi-constitutional nature, such as the publication Alkkhanh and publication charitable organizations, and is seen by some historians to these publications that they and documents Dsturitan to Achtmalhma on the general principles in the governance and management, but they are in fact not promise two laws unconstitutional because of that they not Iqida freedom of the Sultan or limit the powers, and they did not may establish parliaments or the judiciary. [180] In 1856 established the Sultan Abdul Majid council known as the "notables States Council" composed of two members from each state, Echtarat of between knowledge and respect for the owners, aim to express an opinion on the reforms to be made in the state apparatus, that all of them show the point we show that. This was the first experiment of its kind in the history of parliamentary life in the Ottoman Empire, but it failed for lack of the ability of delegates to absorb the whole problem, and inside them doubt the intentions of the central government. [179] and established the Sultan Abdul Aziz, the first in 1876, "the State Council," or "Schori Daulat", which was marked by the nature of quasi-constitutional, and included the terms of reference the preparation of draft laws of the State and the opinion of the ministries matters for law enforcement, also served as the court considered the administrative issues and tried employees accused of deviating. [181] described the council as the beginning of a starting point for the House of Representatives. [179]
The first page of the Ottoman Constitution.
Sultan Abdul Hamid II became famous as the first constitutional authority in the history of the Ottoman Empire, has announced the constitution of the country after he persuaded the leader bloc "diet agreement," Medhat Pasha that embarking on this work makes European countries to stop interfering in the internal affairs of the state in particular and he will repair the situation nationals Christians in the Balkans and the Levant. Formed a public committee headed by Midhat Pasha, and sub-committees to study the draft constitution before the release, and ended after lengthy deliberations to develop a structure for the parliamentary system is based on two chambers: the Senate, called the "Senate", the House of Representatives called the "envoys Council." [182]
Ceremony of the Ottoman Constitution and the opening of Parliament.
The Ottoman Constitution provides for the restriction of the absolute power of the sultan and that the Islamic religion protector, enjoy person inviolability of the sanctity, which is responsible for his actions in front of one, and select the state and its capital, and public rights of nationals. [182] and detracted much Constitution of the Grand Vizier executive powers and gave them to the Sultan. Making the Constitution of the Sultan the right to appoint the members of the Senate for life, that at least Lists forty years of age, while the envoys Council was its members are appointed by a general election, and the Houses meet every year in regular session, starting on the first of November and ends in the last month of February, and the right to bring forward the Sultan session or for shorter periods. The government is proposing new legislation to Parliament, and the suggestions members of both Houses shall be presented to the Sultan, if approved by the transmission to Parliament by the Council of State, which falls on them, and end up the issuance of the approval of the Sultan, but if one of the two chambers rejected a bill does not reconsider which take place in the same cycle. [183]
Indeed, the constitutional life, the modern sense, in the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, was a failed experiment as a failure, and passed through two phases: the first phase began the issuance of the constitution on December 23, 1876 m, corresponding to a 6-Hijjah 1293 AH, and ended dissolve parliament and stop the constitution on February 14, 1878 m, corresponding to a 11 Safar 1295 AH. [179] and the second phase began when Sultan Abdul Hamid decided to re-work the constitution in July 1908, and continued after his reign, which ended on March 18, 1920, corresponding to the 26 Jumada II in 1338 AH, when parliament decided to suspend its sessions indefinitely, then issued Sultan Mohammed VI on April 11 of the same year a decision to be dissolved. [179]
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