The history of Christianity in Masralkadisin
Writing Lives of the Saints, and has long been the Saints, and common activity for many of the religious scholars. As with any religion, success story is really the story of its members who have made this success. Honors Christian saints by making them members of the greatest, and what follows is a collection of Egyptian Saints, which was a key factor in the growth of Christianity in Egypt.
St. Mark is credited with writing the oldest of the four canonical gospels. According to the life of the Prophet and Mark Evangelist wrote Sawiris Bishop Al Ushmunain, in the late tenth century, and Mark was one of the servants who poured out water that turned out to be Jesus wine at the marriage at Cana, which was the home in which Jesus appeared to the disciples in hiding after his resurrection from the dead. After that time, and Peter and St. Mark St. went to evangelize, and one night, a dream, Peter, who said he had to go, along with Mark, to Rome and Alexandria. After preaching in Rome for some time, Mark went to Egypt and converted to the Christian faith of many in the countryside; then let the small community of Christians there, and went to Alexandria. Once he entered the gates of the city, a sandal strap breaking story and so it goes on. He added that to nearby by the name Anianus, who became the first convert in Alexandria cobbler. Mark and soon discovered that it was being sought by his enemies, and so Anianus appointed bishop, ordained three priests and seven deacons, leaving them orders "to serve and comfort of faithful brethren," and left the city. He returned years later to find he had left the community grow and prosper, but soon discovered his enemies to him and threw him in jail. The next day, and they threw a rope around his neck and dragged him on the ground until his death. But tried to burn the body, they found that when they were not because they could be damaged and scattered in fear. Christians and claimed the body of the Holocaust and buried with reverence in the church built. Revered as the founder of St. Mark and the first martyr of the Christian church in Egypt.
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Papyri indicate the advent of Christianity in Egypt |
St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of young Christian noble history, and thus quite well educated, and when they reach the age of eighteen she introduced herself to the emperor Maximinus Daya, who was carrying the persecution of Christians. She admonished him for his cruelty and asked him to stop the persecution. Insulted the young, daring, but women who lack the skills necessary to discuss with them, Maximinus detainees and surprised her in his palace and called on scientists to him in an attempt to tour in her beliefs either to make bounced her against Christianity or commit heresy against religion is that put Romania can even to death. Maximinus what was expected, it managed to reverse the conversion of many scientists him with her eloquence and knowledge of religion and science alike. The anger Maximinus so he had them put to death the scourge of Catherine and put in prison. Empress owner, however, I heard an extraordinary young woman and stole a secret prison in the company of public porphyry. Listened to Catherine, it was converted and baptized, but not implemented by Maximinus when he discovered what had happened. Catherine ordered Maximinus break to be on the steering wheel, but in contact with it destroyed him miraculously. Seeing no alternative, and he ordered her beheaded Maximinus. According to legend, her body was carried to Mount Sinai by angels where the monastery and the church was built at a later date by the regime of Emperor Justinian. Interestingly, Catherine's body as it is believed, where they found the site to be in the burning bush seen by Moses site.
St. Catherine and Margaret filed with the saints and Barbara and one of the "most useful fourteen saints in heaven." In several dioceses in France and he said the feast day is a holy day of obligation to until the seventeenth century. Many churches have dedicated, and a statue at one time almost decorated her every church in Europe and Africa. As St. Nicholas of Myra was a patron of the youth and students, and has become St. Catherine counterpart female, young pastor. It rose wheel that destroyed it with a touch became a symbol of her, such as mechanics and wheelwrights called her sponsor. It also triumphed in science, and confusion even philosophers Maximinus, intercession is required by her religion scholars and preachers and philosophers. So he thought it was that appeared to St. Joan of Arc.
St. Anthony in Egypt
Often called the St. Anthony is the "spiritual father of the monks," and rightly so. He was credited with the founding of Christian monasticism, and ideas are still used many of his head to this day by the modern monks and nuns. Most of what we know about Anthony comes from the writings of St. Athanasius and a close friend and disciple of Anthony. Anthony was born about 251 AD and was the son of a well to do family - Kemn raises Il (Coma) in Middle Egypt. When he was eighteen his parents died, leaving him the sole guardian of his younger sister Dious. Six months later, while attending church, the Bible, Jesus and the rich young man, in which Jesus says: passage heard, "If you would be perfect, go, sell all you have, give to the poor, and follow me (Matt. 19:21)." He took this as an invitation character of God, and sold most of the inherited his property, and made a lot of money for the poor and the rest of his sister and put his sister in the care of the Parthenon, that a group of holy women, very similar to the monasteries of the Middle Ages. He sought guidance from the holy man near coma in the ways of the Christian austerity: prayer, fasting, and holiness. After a period of study, and left St. Anthony of his own, and began living in some of the mountain hermit, live in a cave and pray for the salvation of the world. At the age of thirty five, and she moved to take advantage of and remained there in isolation for a period of twenty years. During that time, many live close to it holy life and a copy came. And it became their spiritual leader, teaching them by word and by example ascetic life. Anthony also taught them to perform manual labor between prayer times as an additional contribution to the community.
It began again persecution against Christians in Egypt at the hands of Maximinus Daya that in the early 300s, and when he went to Alexandria and ministered to those in prison. After the persecution ended, he returned to his life of isolation. He returned to Alexandria once again to support Pope Athanasius against the Arian heresy in 352, and was a lot to see a man between the ages of Jerusalem, while he was walking in the city, but he returned to the desert to him shortly after, and the community is no longer having any contract it. Contrary to popular belief, that Anthony founded the monastery is not official and his rule was simply to work and prayer. Anthony also designed a unified monastic First, all purpose, white linen robe fastened around the waist leather belt. This basic pattern of monastic uniforms all over the world and at all times since then has become. Many came from St. Anthony for advice and spiritual help, and healing. Even once the Pope Athanasius, the sage of the great Christian Didymus the Blind Inc., came all the way out to visit him. St. Anthony died in 356 at the age of one hundred and five and was buried secretly and Macarius Amatas, and are fiercely loyal to him monks.
This is the biography of St. Anthony, which was written by Athanasius that was instrumental in spreading the idea of monasticism in all parts of the Christian world. In the monastery of St. Anthony, which was founded in the Egyptian desert still exists, and many of the monks are still carried out his work there.
St. Alexander
The St. Alexander Pope of Alexandria during the Arian heresy. Peter Alexander advances campus Oreos, but it was by Achillas, Peter, who succeeded the position of pope. When Alexander died Achillas elected Pope of Alexandria and Arius became even more pronounced with the teachings. Alexander ignored in the first Oreos, and it was so lax in fact, that nearly clerics rebelled against him even publicly denounced the Arian heresy at the Council of Nicea. Alexander is also credited with writing the council.
Before he was elected pope, Alexander had lived through the persecution of Galerius, Maximinus, and many others who have sought to destroy the Christians. At that time, even put Pope Peter himself in prison. Alexander and Achillas infiltrate the prison one night to visit the pope soon to-be martyrs and tried to persuade him to re-Oreos. Peter refused, but it was a sign of Alexander's desire for unity within the church that he went as far as such on behalf of Larios, excommunicating him only when there was no hope of compromise. On his deathbed, Alexander appealed to Athanasius the Great to succeed him and the Pope of Alexandria. His feast day is April 17.
St. Pachomius
Although St. Anthony is considered the founder of Christian monasticism, we must share part of the credit with St. Pachomius. Pachomius was born in the upper Thebaid in Egypt, and as a young man was a soldier in the Roman army. In 314, at the age of 22, who converted to Christianity, and three years later he became a hermit, living in the desert. I realized that Pachomius monks working together can accomplish more good, both to themselves and to society, of hermits living in isolation from the community themselves. Qaeda Cenobitic create a balance between community life and solitary life, the rule became the basis for the monastic almost every command comes after, especially that of St. Benedict, who is based almost entirely on the famous command Qaeda Pachomian. In cenobitic monasticism, monks living in a group setting, each one working to improve the university. Cenobitic monasteries are completely self-contained, with farms and herds, as well as libraries, hospitals and kitchens that operate both a monk and a monk all can be used. St. Pachomius founded the first monastery in his Tabenna about 323, and by the time of his death during the plague, he was commander of the more than 3,000 monks. St. Jerome, famous for translating the Bible into Latin, translated as' al-Qaeda Pachomius, and many monasteries today is still used.
St. Maurice and the Theban Legion
St Morris, commander of the Thebes Legion, a unit of the Roman army, who were recruited from Upper Egypt and is composed entirely of Christians. Although the pro-empire (controlled Daya Maximinus and Diocletian), still remember the words of Jesus to give to Caesar the things of Caesar, and to God the things of God. During Bagaude, the uprising of the Gauls, Maximinus marched against them with a good corps as part of his army. The repression on their return to Aguanum (now St. Moritz or Saint Maurice en Valais) in Switzerland, Maximinus gave insurgency system that the whole army should give offerings to the gods Romania thanks to the success of their campaign. As part of the celebration, Maximinus ordered the implementation of a number of Christian prisoners. It rejected a good Legion and comply and withdrew from the rituals, going so far as to camp away from the rest of the army, so that can not be learned in what they saw versus terrifying beliefs.
Maximinus repeatedly ordered the Legion good to comply with his orders, and when he continued to refuse, he and the unit is "decimated", a practice that put every tenth man was to death. He was not shaken Legion at all, despite the threats of the destruction of the second, which he was doing. Maximinus and the others said that all they would be killed, but the team captain, Maurice, inspired by their example of soldiers have already died, and told them that all of them assured of a place in the sky to hold fast to their religion. Headless man were both participation by other soldiers, without resistance. Maximinus went so far as to carry out executions against each member of the Legion good stationed elsewhere in the empire of Gaul down to Rome itself.
Of miracles attributed to the number of these holy soldiers. Zurich, it is said that the severed heads of saints Felix, regular, and Exuperantius rose up, and holding their heads in their hands, and walked to the top of the hill, knelt down and prayed, and put the end to the final death. In this place, the Cathedral was a great man and the image of the three saints carrying their heads appear on the coat of arms in Zurich today were built.
Saint-Maurice is one of the saints popular in most of Western Europe. There are more than 650 sacred places bearing his name in France alone. More than seventy towns bear his name. In the Middle Ages, and Morris was the Patron Saint number of strains of Europe and in the later emperors of the Holy Romania, many of them anointed before the altar of Saint Maurice in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. Sigismund of Burgundy donated the King of land for his honor monastery in the first 515. (919-936) Henry ceded the Swiss province Aargua in exchange Lance of the Saints, and the Holy residue, and the sword of Saint Maurice, was used in the past for the coronation of Emperor Charles of Austria and king of Hungary in 1916. Morris feast of St. Festival is September 22.
St. Cyril
The St. Cyril back and nephew of Theophilus, Pope of Alexandria. In his youth, monastary income of St. Macarius, where he learned the wisdom of the monks desert. In the aftermath, he returned to Alexandria, where he was ordained a priest and rose through the hierarchy until it was finally Baba Egyptian church. Since then, he began to fight heresy, apostasy, and to help put an end to the Nestorian heresy and refuted the emperor Julian even when the latter tried one last time to remove Christianity from the Romanian Empire. As St. Athanasius fought against Arius, yet Cyril fought against the Nestorian. He wrote a letter to Nestorius explain why his idea a couple of individual objects in the one person of Christ is heresy and sent copies to the other popes of Rome and Antioch, Jerusalem and Aleppo, as well as to the imperial court. Although Nestorius answered only with disdain, other messages received favorable responses praising his efforts and support them. It was more written messages, but Nestorius becoming more and more stubborn, and even trying to antagonize Emperor Theodosius against Cyril.
The dispute became a major at the end of the day to the point that calls for the Synod of Bishops and seems to be the only solution. Theodosius called the first council of Ephesus to deal with heresy, which was held in the current 431. Cyril was elected bishop of the presidency of the Council. Although Nestorius was nearby at Ephesus, he refused to appear before the Council. Considered beliefs Nestorian heresy and issued eviction judgment of two hundred bishops in attendance. Six days later, Pope John of Antioch arrived, with his bishops, who was unable to reach Ephesus in time for the Council. Although they do not believe Nestorius as I did, by and with the bishops against the Board considers him innocent. They met in themselves the accusation and issued some of the fad St. Cyril! The emperor ordered all St. Cyril and Nestorius and limited the verdicts of both the Council and the vacuum Antiochian bishops. And it sent three delegates from Rome and when they arrived, and condemned Nestorius agreed scheduled Cyril. Emperor justified St. Cyril with honors, and ordered the exile of Nestorius. Contined Antiochian bishops and minor division for some time, but making peace with Cyril in 433, and finally agreed with the Board's decision.
In 1882 St. Cyril declared Doctor of the Church, both for his work in defense of the faith in Ephesus as well as the Mass that bears his name. According to tradition, the Mass had been passed down orally beginning with St. Mark himself, but Cyril finish it, and wrote it all down so you do not it will be forgotten. Echoed by Christians all over the world during Lent.
St. Shenouda the Archimandrite
St. Shenouda about 348 born to Christian parents are believers and spent much of his early life as a shepherd for the father of a small flock. In his youth he accompanied his father on a visit to his uncle St Pigol, and the head of the famous white monastery. As a result of the vision, and he kept the Pigol Shenouda youth and trained him in the ways of monasticism. In 385 after the death of Pigol, choosing Shenouda was a fellow monks as the new head of the monastery. The monastery at that time consisted of thirty monks aging, but it is the death of Pope Shenouda III at the monastery 466 was grown and White for more than two thousand monks and close to two thousand nuns and covers three thousand times the original size space.
Charismatic St. Shenouda has brought about a comprehensive reform in the Christian monasticism. "It is" a system inherited from his uncle on the basis of Pachomian Qaeda, although more stringent austerity. As a result, the followers were few in number and retreat. Create a new rule Shenouda, who was less stringent and appealed backgrounds and the natures of the people in the region, who will be joined later in the town of Deir giraffes time Ouhdana. The monks also take advantage of their time outside of prayer, worship and having them use their old professions in favor of the monastery and the community. So the monks have been working in the trades and professions of all kinds, from clothweaving to shoes to pottery. For the first time, and it was the monastery self-sufficiency. He also encouraged literacy among the population by requiring monks and nuns for him to read, write and engage in the art of manuscript copies.
Spiritual work in Egypt and the surrounding area that Shenouda is quite popular and famous in the Egyptian Christian church, as well as beyond. There is no doubt a result of this fame, was chosen by St. Cyril the Great to accompany him to the Council of Ephesus in 431, where Shenouda with the help of the Council in refuting the teachings of Nestorius that, among other things, denied a sacred position and holiness of the Virgin Mary, as well as denied the human nature of Jesus. Shenouda was instrumental in preserving the unity of the church.
St. Shenouda also the leader of the peasants under the Greek owners. And the opening of the monastery church of the audience constantly preached to the peasants who came to him in religious and ethical issues, which plans to raise them from being slaves of the Christians and confident. He and his monks also defended the peasants who came to him for protection from repression owners. He praised the owner was heroic acts down through the centuries. It is a life-threatening once to save a group of prisoners from the Blemmyes warriors, and even appealed on behalf of the peasants to the Emperor Theodosius.
St. Shenouda died at the age of 118 surrounded by his fellow monks at the monastery and white singing with them until the moment of his death, praise God.
St. Mary's in Egypt
The St. Mary's in Egypt, many years ago, a prostitute in Alexandria in the fourth century East. One year and joined a group of pilgrims who were on their way to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Holy Cross high. I joined them not for religious reasons, but the hope of finding some customers along the way. So when I arrived in Jerusalem, but insisted in its roads and on Jerusalem itself even he went to the church where he was held sacred relic to the rhythm members of the pilgrimage. But I found it when I got to the door, and she could not enter. It continued some mysterious force to push her away and sat in the corner of the courtyard of the church. Suddenly filled with remorse for her sinful, and I realized that was the reason why she could not enter the church. As she sat crying, she saw the statue of the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, and with faith and newfound humility of heart is appealed to the help of the Virgin Mary and allow to enter the church and prayer before the wood of the Holy Cross. She promised that if the request were granted, she would not give up her life in favor of the former in the life of holiness and piety. She stood and approached the door of the church again, and found that the force that drove her away earlier, and now gently pulled inside the church. While praying for guidance before the cross, and I heard a voice telling her to cross the Jordan River, you will find rest. I left immediately, and upon arrival to Jordan and baptized in dedicated to John the Baptist Church, and the next day I crossed the river and walked in the desert.
She lived alone in the desert over the coming years and forty-seven, even monk named Zosimus came at her residence. In the habit of monks at the time, he was coming out of his monastery to spend Lent (the Christian season of fasting and penance before Easter festival) in the desert. She called as soon as she saw him, his name and is recognized as a priest. And talked and prayed for a long time, where she told him a strange story of her life. He asked Zosimus promise to meet her in the Jordan River on Holy Thursday of the following year, and to provide them the Eucharist. Zosimus kept his promise, and he brought bread and wine to devote to the body and blood of Christ.