Treasures of Tutankhamun - necklace sun god - trumpet Tutankhamun

Treasures of Tutankhamun - necklace sun god - trumpet Tutankhamun

Treasures of King "Tutankhamen" at the discovery of his tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor in 1922.

"Tutankhamun" graveyard when discovered in 1922, while the colored statue that appears in this shot the vehicle was found in the cemetery, which represents the pharaoh "Tutankhamun."

Footage of your chair throne, the king "Tutankhamun," which was found in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor. Note the splendor of manufacture and accurate details and the beauty of color and consistency; the colors are still vivid to this day, so it seems to the viewer that the chair was finished made only yesterday and not from thousands of years!
Necklace sun god
Considered Jewelry "Tutankhamun" a group of the most famous and rarest jewelry kings of ancient Egypt, where this group includes a large number of necklaces, earrings, crowns, including the necklace pectoral decorative made of gold, silver and stone Kkaddony - chalcedony smoker, in addition to the red agate stone calcite and lapis lazuli turquoise and white Alaobsidian stone, glass, black, green, red and blue.

Necklace sun god.
This piece is considered as one of the most beautiful collections Jewelry "Tutankhamun." Has been recorded catalog "Carter" number "5" 267, with a height of 14.9 cm and width of 14.5 cm.
The configuration decorative to this very difficult, accuracy and complexity necklace, where the bottom of which part of the plant and floral motifs composed, while the middle part of a decorative form consists in the image of Saqr made of gold studded Alkloizaunay manner, and extenders wings holding between its claws my TM "Shane," in addition to the symbols vegetarians "lotus flower" face maritime and "asset" or "Saad" face tribal plant.
Collar maker has excelled in replacing the body and the head of a scarab spreading Falcon made of white opal, smoked and who symbolizes the "Khepri" - the sun god at dawn or sunrise .. and on both sides of Falcon find holy Tapanin each carrying disk of the sun over his head.
While carrying a scarab over his feet front legs - rather than Sun's traditional disk - a symbol of the famous for both the 

sun and moon symbols, consists of a composite divine sacred, and above the left eye of the god "Horus", an eye that was saved by god "Thoth," which is in the form of A man with a bird, "the white" (and sometimes other forms). And surround both sides of the eye - the eye "Horus" - whales Mekdstan on top of each disk of the sun and bearing the crescent together, and inside the full disk of the moon, which in turn includes an inscription of King standing between the gods "Thoth" and "Ra".
This piece is one of the jewelry pieces, which has close coronation of King relationship, as symbolized in its entirety to the birth of a new king to rule Egypt, the son of the god of the sun and takes the throne at the beginning of a new lunar year and are presented this rare piece between the king jewelry set "Tutankhamun "The Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


Clips to the side of the King "Tutankhamen" jewelry.
Trumpet Tutankhamun
Found "Howard Carter" on the trumpet, "Tutankhamun" made from silver trumpet another of copper in 1922, and within the roll of sticks plants were placed in the burial chamber tomb of King "Tutankhamen" b "and the Valley of the Kings."

Trumpet silver was transferred to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and a length of 58 cm, up widening the bell (wider trumpet parts) to 8.8 cm, while ranging breadth of the tube between 1.7 cm (at the edge of a trumpet which is blown - the mouth of the trumpet) and 2.6 cm (when Tube connection point with the bell). Trumpet silver forged was made, with a thin strip of gold for decoration around the edge of the bell, but the mouth is made of high pure gold. It is noted that the conical tube and the bell were originally a separate two pieces were to Hamanma silver.

Adorn one side of the bell trumpet "Tutankhamun," Lotus Flower cartridges king "Tutankhamun" (cartridges are written ovals inside a personal domain name or machine), while there is on the other side of the bell scene of the god "Ptah," Ptah (on the right) It receives the gods "Amon" Amun (in the middle) and "Ra-Harakhcy" Ra-Harakhty (on the left). It was found inside a trumpet made of silver at the heart of the same form of trumpet made of wood wooden core.
The trumpet in ancient Egypt called "Chenb" Sheneb, and was considered a musical instrument military, and we'd find Albwaqan (Alamboqan - who blow the trumpet) near the King in wars and military ceremonies. It has been recorded voice of a trumpet, "Tutankhamun" in 1939 in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo for the British radio BBC. During breaks blowing a trumpet to his foot, but has been repaired and could be successfully audio recording.

Image taken during sound the trumpet "Tutankhamun" in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, recorded in 1939, and that moments before the crush trumpet because of the foot (trumpet was fixed after that and might sound successfully) recording.

 Horn sound "Tutankhamun," which recorded the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC 
Egyptian Museum in 1939
