Ancient Tunisia's history

Period Almassilih Numidian

? - 46 BC Libyans or Allobion are residents of Tunisia since ancient times, like the other countries of North Africa, they are an extension of the civilization of cage, and these Allobion are the ancestors of the Amazigh peoples Tangier Tunisians one of those people, and when the sailors Phoenicians landed in Tunisia was the population Allobion have grouped themselves in the social life Boarafha and systems Arf and social, economic and political life, and first appeared in the history of the Kingdom of the Tunisian territory and is Almassilih Kingdom (Le Royaume Massyle) lack the information because of the loss of the ancient literary sources after burning Carthage library during the occupation of Rome has 146 BC. But some signs in Herodotus and other ancient indicate the presence of the Kingdom of Massilih of kings iarbas (Hiarbas), which granted the privilege of a commercial base (Carthage) to Mrs. Elisa fugitive from her on what to remember the legend came mentioned another king is Ilemas Aylemas These two kings likely they are within kings Almasal series (Massyles) who hails them Massinissa. The yearning City (Thugga) current Duchess of one of the capitals of the Kingdom Almassilih. It turned commercial Qaeda Kairtaqo to a great city and became its territory includes the northeast Tunisia and the current will of Carthage and the Kingdom of Almasal continue Mtasrtan on Tunisian soil until the first landed in the hands of the Romans and continued to second a century dimension to fall are the other arises from Carthage Region Avielm Almasal Africa Province Albrooguensalih.
Carthaginian period

(814 BC - 164 BC)
Who is the population resided in Tunisia trade relations with the Phoenicians since the 11th century BC. Where the establishment of these terminals to the exchange of goods rely mostly on barter. Utica is one of the most important ports and was the founding of Carthage as a military base to protect the commercial ports on the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Following the strikes that erupted in Phoenicia, a group of traders to flee ---- Carthage and stability but historical novels about the founding of the city closer to myth than reality sometimes.
Over time, it weakened the Phoenician commercial empire inherited Carthage glories and its colonies, and has expanded its turf to include a large part of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and due to its strategic location, overlooking the Mediterranean basins, was able to extend its influence and control over the movement of trade is not have to obtain consent of the superpower that. Where Carthaginian expansion posed a threat to the interests and influence of the Greeks, which led to military clashes between the two countries.

Carthaginian empire in 264 BC
In the year 753 BC. It emerged as a new entity in the Italian peninsula under the name of Rome and entered Rome fray rival Carthage, the thing that led to a series of wars (264 BC), known as the Punic Wars, and perhaps the most famous Hannibal campaign (the Second Punic War) who crossed the Elisita Albireny and the Alps Pfilth (218 BC - 202 BC). This Punic wars ended with the defeat of the Carthaginians and weaken them significantly, especially after the war articular Zuma, paving the way for a third and decisive war ended with the demise of Carthage and the destruction of the city and the creation of Romanians "African" first Roman province in northern Africa in the year 146 BC.
Romanian period
(146 BC - 431 AD)
The year 44 BC, the Roman Emperor Jules Cesar decided to rebuild the city of Carthage after that Utica was the capital, but the construction work has not officially begin until his successor with Auguste and thus prosperity in the region began a period where it became an African pills Rome store.
It thrived other Roman cities in conjunction with the land of Carthage and the effects are still witness to some of them, such as the accuracy Beja mandate and bridles state of Mahdia.
Carthage's rapid growth led to the assumption of the second city in the West after Rome standing at nearly a population of 100,000 inhabitants. And it began to spread Christianity in that period and which met with considerable opposition at the outset of the population did not resolve the matter of the new religion, but with the fifth century Carthage and has become one of the important of the West at the time of spiritual capitals.
Period Alondalih
Vandals cross the Strait of Gibraltar in the 429 meters and took control quickly on the city of Carthage, where they have taken as their capital. They were followers of the band Jaya which was considered the Catholic Church at the time band of heretics (they are heretics in Islam) as calling them barbarians population led to a campaign of political and religious repression and wide against opponents.
Skirmishes began between the Vandals and Berber kingdoms adjacent to the state and was defeated the Vandals in 530 m event, which encouraged Byzantium to come to expel the Vandals.
Byzantine period
Albezntiyon dominated easily on Carthage in 533 AD and then defeated the Byzantine army, which was mostly composed of mercenaries on horseback Alondalih which was the strongest in the formation of the Vandals army. And he surrendered the last king and Ndali the year 534 
Most people abandoned Alondali forcibly to the east where they became slaves, while the rest were recruited in the army or as laborers in wheat farms.
Soon the new rulers returned to the repression and religious persecution policy also weighed down the shoulders of the people to taxes, prompting them to nostalgia for the control of the Vandals misdeeds.
