l those who do not Aara Khartoum, capital of Sudan
Khartoum, the national capital of the Republic of Sudan. Called triangular capital consists of the cities of Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman. Khartoum is located at the confluence of the Blue and White of Niles, at latitude 36 15 ° north, longitude 31 32 ° east longitude. And it extends urbanization in these three cities on an area of 500 square kilometers, and is spreading urbanization in these giant present on flat ground, below an altitude of 400 m above sea level.
Because Khartoum bordering the Sahara desert in Africa, it is characterized by tropical climate is hot and dry, with temperatures of up to more than 30 ° m in most months of the year. Maximum temperatures were up in each of the months of June and December to 48 ° ° m and 6 m respectively. And it extends the rainy season between July and September. The average annual rainfall of 150 mm, most of them lose during the evaporation processes of transpiration and therefore the intensity of the heat. Sudan's capital enjoys a mild and dry weather during the winter, where the average daily temperature in January of 24 °. And it is characterized by high summer temperatures and drought, which helps to dust-laden wind gusts. In spite of the intense heat during the daylight hours, the temperature drops at night cool the air too much, thermal extent to everyday in some months of the year may increase to 20 ° C.
Population. Khartoum has grown steadily since its inception, the number of the population has doubled 70 times in the period between 1900 m and 1990 m; where he became a population of 3.6 million people after it was 50 thousand people. Despite the fact that the large increase in the population of the capital, the result of natural increase and migration; however, immigration played a crucial role in population growth. Greater Khartoum has seen the largest human migration streams through its modern history; and especially in the past decade (1983 - 1993 AD).
Of the main reasons that helped the flow of immigrants to these large numbers of drought and famine in Sudan's civil war in the south of the country. This is in addition to the imbalance in regional development, which required the country since the beginning of the twentieth century. Immigrants to the greater Khartoum to Aaoton only from within the country, but rounded the large numbers of them across international borders, where suffering neighboring countries such as Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Chad, drought, famine and the spread of civil war conditions. According to recent statistics show that the population of Khartoum has doubled their number during the period between the years 1983 and 1990, from 1.3 million to 3.6 million people, which has exacerbated the problems of an economic, social and health. Dimensions of the problem could become clear if we know that half of these people live in what is known random housing, which is spread in the form of the collar about the original present, in addition to the demographic effects of migration, the spread of unemployment is an economic disaster, and that such a large number of people crowding on services has led to a decline large in many of the essential services; prompting local authorities and national to take some measures that would correct this situation to regain the Sudanese capital, her rightful civilization.
It can be said: The population and urbanization affected by the three time periods, each of which was a special imprint on the demographic situation in the capital cities. In Mahdia period (1885 - 1898 AD), under attention in Omdurman so great that it has grown from a small village not exceed a population of 200 people to a major city with a population exceeded 150 thousand people by the year 1886. Mahdia capital and began shifting from temporary camps to fixed buildings, where paved roads and prepared squares, built fence around the heart of the city of Beit al-Khalifa and some important facilities.
Khartoum has been under the site throughout this period devoid of population and urbanization, while Khartoum Bahri was still a small village.
The second period learn period of dual rule (1898 - 1956 AD) has increased the interest in this period, in Khartoum, which has received government and residential modern buildings, also met with the city of Khartoum North some attention, especially after the arrival of the iron to the line, and then build a river port and the establishment of some factories. The city of Omdurman have been neglected by the new rulers. While Khartoum has grown, from the ruins of an uninhabited in 1898, to the city of vibrant movement and activity in 1913 with a population reached 25 thousand people, under the residents of the city of Omdurman on the decline after the defeat of Mahdia armies in position Repeat (1898) and the shrinking number of residents of the city of 150 thousand people at the start of the battle to nearly 50 thousand people over the next few days.
After that the situation colonists settled; began the three cities in the steady growth, so that the population of these cities, with the independence and the start of the first census of the population in 1956 to nearly 250 thousand people. The independence period that began in 1956 has seen significant growth in the population of the Sudanese capital, and most of this increase is due to immigration caused by the aforementioned factors. In addition to this, under the attention of national governments have significant capital; which has increased the gap between them and the different regions of the country, and then increased the immigration streams. The population of greater Khartoum has arrived according to the second census of the population in 1973 to 800 thousand people, and when it was the third census in 1983 the population was 1.3 million, while in the private census in the National Capital in 1990, the population has reached 3.6 million.
Notes that the population Alkthaqh within three different cities, not only between the city and the other, but also within the same city and remain differences in a large population density in the city of Khartoum, compared to the cities of Khartoum North and Omdurman, to the multiplicity of economic and social classes where, for this density in the city of Khartoum ranged between 500 inhabitants / km² in upscale housing areas, and 27,000 inhabitants / km² in public housing areas. If we take into account that most of the buildings in the capital of one floor type, in addition to the custom of the arenas and stadiums, roads and public facilities space, for we can recognize the state of overpopulation experienced by the Sudanese capital, especially in the popular and random housing areas, where up density in these areas to more than 30,000 inhabitants / km².
The service and recreational uses Vchgl relatively smaller spaces. One of the reasons that helped horizontal expansion of cities Enlarge allocated for housing per space, as it ranging from 300 m² in the case of public housing, and more than 1,000 m² in the case of upscale housing or first-class accommodations. Residential areas have been divided since the colonial period into three grades based on the allocated space, and building materials. Residences in the first and second division have been allocated larger spaces and building materials of modern fixed, while third-degree allocated smaller spaces and houses are built of brick and mud. At present, it can be considered the squatter housing of the fourth degree, where declining housing space is not more than one room, which often Matbny area of temporary materials.
Interestingly in the Sudanese capital, small allocated to the squares, parks and public gardens spaces compared with the size of the population, and is no doubt that the climatic conditions of the dry tropical climate calls for the allocation of the largest expanses of green squares to be an outlet for those large numbers of the population.
A view of a bridge built on the Nile in the capital Khartoum, where the links between the cities of Khartoum North and Omdurman.
Cultural life and sights. Concentrated in the Khartoum offices of the federal government, in addition to the Government of Khartoum state, local and public administrations. The Khartoum urban complex and a national center for higher education, where its eight universities, in addition to the technical, commercial and religious institutes and scientific and research bodies. Among the most important scientific councils: the National Council for Higher Education and the National Research Council.
And issued in the capital daily newspapers scientific, literary magazines, and there are publishing houses, public libraries, private, cultural and sports clubs, teams and folk arts, theaters, cinemas.
The places to visit in the city of Khartoum viable include zoo and amusement park yoke of the Games, national and natural museums, ethnic, and the presidential palace, and the domes of the Turks. There are also in the city of Omdurman Dome of the Mahdi, the Caliph Mosque, the Museum of Mahdia (Caliph House) and the gate Abdul Gayoom, the market or the central Omdurman a popular character and Dar radio and television, and the National Theater. In the city of Khartoum North, you can visit the popular neighborhoods such as Hamad suit, and the suit Khodjaly, and the river port, and public and private gardens. You can also enjoy excursions and visit the island when Totti of Niles Forum.
Economy. Government's largest user of labor is considered in the capital, especially in the administrative and service sectors. The private sector has an important role in the industrial, commercial and service activities, economic and social activities are concentrated in general in the Sudanese capital in the Ataatoam with the size of the population. While the proportion of the capital's population of less than 10% of the total population of the country, we find that the capital accounts for 75% of industrial enterprises in Sudan and 65% of the banking business and 57% of doctors and 21% of hospital beds and nearly 90% of university services.
brief history. Some archaeological studies suggest that the Forum of Niles white and blue light is home to man since time immemorial. These studies have shown the presence of human settlements on the current site of Khartoum, around the year 4000 BC. M, were also found at the same location on the remains of settlements dating to the era of plant and Meroe (750 BC - 350 AD) as well as the Christian era (540 AD - 1504), which indicates that the Two Niles Forum was inhabited through the connected periods since time immemorial. Also found tools dating back to the Stone Age in each of Khor Abu Anjh in the city of Omdurman, as well as in the village of Shaheinab 50 km north of the city itself. All this indicates that a person known for a long time the strategic importance of this prime location at the Forum of Niles. We can say that the greater Khartoum that we see today stands on the land stretching urban roots back to ancient times dating back to the emergence of the first cities in history.
The modern history of the hose; founded the first nucleus begins to settle in Totti island in the middle of the second century AD, including the spread urbanization in Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman sites. When the Ottoman rule and the Sudan; they choose as their capital Khartoum in 1821. The Omdurman, was chosen by the Imam al-Mahdi as his capital in 1885. It starts the modern history of the Sudanese capital of the period of dual rule (1898 - 1956 AD) when Lord Herbert Kitchener began implementing his plan to build the city of Khartoum on the western cities model.