Old history of Hadramout

Old history of Hadramout

Hadramout was Abysmal the times preceding the date uncharted territory is uninhabited, like many sectors of the globe then it may be that the old man has ever k

nown thereafter as defined by subsequent generations.

Hadramout passed Basor nations and civilizations too old for thousands of years, namely:

Back from 2000 BC to about 1000 years
Historians did not mention the people of Hadramout residence before he returned The people returned is the first inhabited after the flood, a Sami people prepared by the historians of the Perishing Arabs that make up the first layer of the Arabs, and is no doubt that his Mdnith forts and strongholds and buildings great and farms wan eyes of one hundred and Ianaamh.

And sons returned folk Huskies giants of the bodies are very heavy-handed as pointed out by the Koran, and lived Ahqaf between Yemen and Oman were multiple tribes God has sent them to their brother Hood to guide them to the path of guidance, but they Lapua and gone in the worship of idols Vohlkhm God, and him who followed Hooda They returned Two, and some historians say that took place between them and the Thamoud wars on the one hand and between the bin Qahtan expresses other wars, and some of them attributed to Qahtan.

And not to the age of the people returned for a known period, but some historians estimated as noted above age B1000 and B2000 others age and reportedly 700 years old.

Send a prophet of God hood to the people who returned have Hadramout Hood died in the area where the grave near the eastern Hadramaut Bear Brhot which is famous as some Orientalists great deep dark cave with zigzags and the shape of a length of 120 feet by 450 feet and a depth of 600 feet.

Marital Status in the era returned
The Marital Status at the time the case of the strength and grace and cultivate the richness and opulence and care of architectural art, and homes, stone houses and their idols worshiped, some historians say he returned nation with a civil A great extended its king to Babylon and Assyria to Egypt, India and the principle that BC more than 22 centuries <See circle Knowledge of the gardener>

Qahtaon their terms from 10 to 18 century BC
They are the first of the King of Hadramaut after he returned and belongs Qahtaon to Qahtan, who belongs to the Arabs Qahtaniyah reminds historians ratio Qahtan say is: Qahtan bin transient bin Shalikh bin Arfakhshd bin Sam bin Noah, and one of his sons called Hadhramaut This is called the country in his name has been mentioned that the reason for naming Hadramout this Name that if attended his much the death of any killings in his enemies for his courage, either Mr. Haddad has attributed the call by that name because it is a name Mehraa Kdaaot and Sayhut <see destruction in the history of Hadramout of mourning> ,, and their names, old Abdl

But Qahtan mentioned sons, others were expressing bin Qahtan famous in history, and his brother, who passed on the Hadramaut Hadramaut named in his name or in the name of him, and he is the lowest of Hadramout and goats to the tribe of Sheba.

To qahtanite ancient kings renowned in history, an Arab names, but it's a little distorted in its tone because the first bands of AF is expressing bin Qahtan big brother of Hadramout.

King Qahtaon continued Hadramout numerous centuries BC begins more than 1000 years and some The state BC with 18 centuries, and the state returned BC more than 22 centuries.
Counting some of the Orientalist more than 20 belong to them independent crown Hadramaut alone or with other neighbors and some of them is under the crown rhomboid or Spy, because these three countries exchanged the king of Hadramout even extinct, the latest state Himyarite then state Canadian remained until after the advent of Islam, so we see in a series of kings of Hadramout who is himself a certain king, and in the state Sboah also see the kings of Sheba who are the kings of Hadramout sometimes Qahtaon who we pointed out to them as well as the case for the kings of the donkeys, meaning that the Hadramaut in these covenants may take itself has sometimes integrated into the most powerful these countries, as we pointed this out ,, and reference all of these royal families to Qahtan first as is well known.

State rhombic than a year in 1500 to 850 BC
Yemen was fragmented initially including Hadramout between Akielha and Azuiha all of whom are independent Queen that appeared among them was said strong ambition overcome his colleagues and neighbors, and a thousand between Mkhalifam many first nation Yemeni largest is the state rhombic <relative to certain capital Jouf> was established within the century 15 BC, and more Maachthrt its commerce has extended its authority to outside Yemen in the Hijaz and Mahawwalah.

State Sboah of the year 850 to the year 115 BC
This appeared in the state capital of Sheba and Marib, in the ninth century BC, overcame rhombic state, and restored the famous Marib Dam built and revived trade and agriculture.

State Sboah rule lasted until the year 115 BC, where the substitute state Himyarite.

We mentioned earlier certain states of Sheba and the relationship of some of the kings of the two-state Hadramout as some of the kings of Hadramout they themselves kings that unified the two countries and there are kings and other specialists in Hadramout only.

Marital Status days Qahtanites
Hadramout amounted to a large sum days Qahtanites in urban, military and economic progress and has been exporting perfumes and incense and this calls some historians land of frankincense, where the convoys carrying frankincense and other spices and condiments to the country's north, where its market winner there and come back laden with gold and silver and foods luxurious, they were going convoys the two roads, both start from Hadramout, one heading north to Bahrain and the Arabian Gulf to the images, and the second is heading to the adjacent Red Sea Arab south, avoiding the Nejd desert plateaus and Ahjerha beach and Oaourtha and on this road Mecca.

Mainstream religions days Qahtanites
Prevailing religion in that time is the worship of idols, and from the most famous idol <X> has been placed in the temple is called <O is dissolved> as distinct from other idols, statues and other dissolved name great cities ruined and the ruins or close to it located Haridah known today, there who says that telling public to this day <Yassin you> and <Aahol Aaholah> that meant their Snman but there are those who deny that and say that the intent of the first Al-Yassin and the second improved squint when the rain that rain and fertilize the implant which ,, however. Some are kings those who believe in the Creator of the heavens and the earth. It is the most important towns first capital Mephaath and Clint then and as evidenced by effects of a city with high walls, palaces and Abed structures and ruins excavated abandonment continues between Mephaath and Azzan written extensively Almsendih pronounce it. There metropolitan recent Shabwa show effects as the greatest of the former capital and construction in a broader and it has high walls and congestive tall, and region include dams and farms and the fort called Fort Anod has significant in their history as a venue for the meetings and concerts, and Houdarm the Covenant captured the known, including Balujaha and nobility of the most famous <fee> and their families clan <Shechem>.

It is the martial effects that Houdarm to show great experience and leadership equestrian and build forts and fortifications and weapons from swords and shields and others.

Hadramout Ahumairien in the era of the year 165 BC to 525 AD almost a year
Himyarites belly from the wombs of Sheba and some pulls them the name of Sheba also has state Himyarite on the ruins of the state Sboah around the year 165 BC and its capital of Dhofar and ended the year 525 AD where he seized power in Yemen, then Ahbash, even expelled from the famous Saif bin Arab hero ever weighs Humairi assisted Persian state, which continued its influence in Yemen, Hadramout, Iraq and Bahrain to the advent of Islam.

Months kings who ruled Hadramout is king Shammar Arash He even named later king of Sheba Thi Redan, Hadramout, as well as King Sharhabeel bin dust bin Abi distress happiest king of Sheba Thi Redan, Hadramout and Amanat <any Yemen> and its expression in the mountains and the coast, a builder of the dam in the middle of the century the fifth century AD.

Trade in Hadramout
I've been to Houdarm like other Arab business contacts with the Romans, Greece and Persia, China and India were in Hadramout cities is like stations, convoys and centers for merchants and has ports for future boats from India and China charged varieties precious cargo where unloaded its cargo in Hadramout, where unsustainable convoys to the spa, Syria and Iraq, and also carry incense which is the greatest wealth of Hadramout Perhaps Shahr <Alasaa> is most famous for these purposes Vtstlm recognizes there are other cities, such as the stations of the convoys of Shibam and Shabwa.

Vaahr and Shibam had a fortune in the business world's biggest Mmaho now, but no room for comparison

Hadramout pre-Islam from the year 525 AD to 630 AD almost
After the weakness of the state Himyarite takeover Ahbash Yemen became Hadramout under the autonomy of the tribes of Hadramout and Kinda, was for each of the two tribes kings and princes, and the tribe of Kinda said to have Kinda kings Oalaa King has Islam came and Hadramout kings Many of Kinda and Hadramaut and their kings the four froze, chipped, Mkhossa and Adah and their sister Alamrdh, but named the kings, because each one of them has the entire valley and those kings of Beni Amr ibn Muawiyah Kinda and Shaggy bin Qais Amir Bani Harith bin Maaouya Kinda after his father King Qais bin Ma'diyakrib, Wael Ben stone Hadrami from the tribe of Hadhramaut, which he called the Messenger Allah bless him and what it delegation rest of the sons of kings Syed Alakiel <collect told> any kings and was told that he had met Pehinn 17 capping of Kinda any prince of this type ,, belong Kinda to Qahtan was originally came from Amman to Hadramout and Astotntha and found the tribe Hadramout Qahtaniyah that have Dhuoha and princes Kosherahil bin time and peace Ben stone and others who had to possess some of the Hadrami cities Ktrem Vostbact with war debate and had the upper hand in most of the Kinda has Taathaddan together against foreign invasion.

Divided over Hadramout to sectors or regions called then Mahalfda specializes in region belly or stomachs of them Kchaabam and Gardan and Doan and Shabwa and stomachs Kinda dormancy They Central Hadramout, and Alskask west of Hadramout, and respond in Andl Whedon and Akecaakec and Damon and Al-Hajarayn rosette religion, etc, either tribe Hadramout it may some coastal sectors and shares with Kinda in some of them as a sector hit <between Al-Hajarayn, cotton and come down now in Osath tribe bosom> and Shabwa., either Aldjafen <from madh'hij> Fmnazlhm Gardan, and there are other tribes Qaeda in Hadramout is the two tribes of the most famous tribe donkeys but has passed the era of king and influence In the Middle tribe skilled and inhabiting the same place named in its name and frequently there are frankincense and camels Mahariya famous.