The green dome "Medina"


The green dome that Islamic symbol and the science that if Medina said, according beloved Prophet upon him blessings and peace, the first picture come to mind is the image of the green dome containing underneath the greatest creation of God Almighty houses and status. Their names: the dome Alkhaddra_ dome Fayhaa _ and I knew once Zarqa and white.

Built on the noble room at the King Kalawoon days of the year 678 AH and was square at the bottom octagonal from the top was the wood on Raeads Alosatin surrounded the chamber and Samar over wood planks lead from the rain and above a dress of tarpaulin, then the fire happened in the sanctuary during the reign of Sultan Hassan bin Mohammed bin Kalawoon and burned it comes with lead plates Vjaddedt these panels are then renewed again in 765 AH at the time of Sultan Shaaban bin Hassan bin Mohammed. In the reign of Sultan Bey in 886 AH second fire of the campus it occurred and ordered to renew the construction of the campus and within the dome of wood, but it is built with stones carved from black stone and make a height of 18 arm then built above another dome they contain tightened stones plaster that carried from Egypt was not known in the Hijaz in this time, in the reign of Sultan invader Mahmud Ottoman cracked the upper dome and ordered the demolition of Oaalleha rebuilt and they made while working a wooden barrier between Alqptin not even inform the workers on his grave Sharif does not fall to the basic thing dome, and people did not feel harassed because Builders took the scaffolding from outside the campus, Subscribe and building most of the people of the city did not mind the Sultan blessing at the time, at the end of the work was attended by the Sultan to the city to see the achievement. The Department of gifts between the people of the city for each of 250 penny and that was in 1233 AH and dyed Foreign dome painted blue until the year 1253 AH, when the sultan ordered Besbgha green and then usually taken to renew each year dye dome same color as either internal dome stayed on the same basic color black with stones, while the net in the dome, which is parallel to the box that valuable interior dome and is located above the grave Aharif..okan served on campus open it for rain prayers narrated recaps in Saheeh Abi Gemini said drought Vhkoa people of the city to Ms. Aisha girl friend, she said: Look at the tomb of the Prophet, peace be upon and blessings Vajalo him skylight into the sky so it is not between him and the sky roof and then they did Astsqgua Vomatart heaven and this is above his grave Sharif domes Dome indoor and outdoor dome of a phenomenon in front of us.
It was not on the noble room dome was roof of the mosque above the chamber barn brick by half taller distinction for chamber cleared for the rest of the roof of the mosque and the Sultan Kalawoon Salhi is the first of the latest on the sacred chamber Dome of the year 678 AH square at the bottom octagonal at the top, made of wood will raise him up on the heads the groves surrounding the chamber overseeing and Samar by panels of wood and plates of lead and make the place the brick Hzira of wood. The dome was refurbished at the time of Nasser Hassan Bin Mohammed Kalawoon then he disrupted lead plates for position and renewed tightened Ashraf Shaaban bin Hussein bin Mohammed e 765 days a year and got the bug and overhauled the time of Sultan Bey in 881 AH.

Domed building after the second fire
Cabin noble dome in a fire the second Prophet's Mosque was burnt in 886 AH during the reign of Sultan Bey Vjaddedt dome and founded her great pillars in the land of the Prophet's Mosque was built with brick correct height has happened between the east wall of the mosque and the updated props narrow demolishing the wall east of the mosque and creep him to the tiles hand chapel funerals by a cubit and a half and did not fall anything from a fire dome over the sacred chamber was younger dome built by Bey on the room and the noble tombs weatherproof it.

Cracked dome and renewal
After what has been described in our dome cracked from Oaalleha Since the restoration did not find Sultan Bey ordered to demolish the building and returned Oaalleha Court of white plaster propagated elaborate court in 892 AH.

The renewal of the dome the time of the Ottoman Sultan Mahmud
After several centuries cracks appeared at the top of the dome of Sultan Mahmud bin Abdul Hamid Khan, the Ottoman time he issued his order renewing Fahadmwa Oaalleha and took her back in the very provisions and perfection and that was the year 1233 his remains in that state yet.

The first to dye green dome green
In the year 1253 AH ordered Sultan Mahmud bin Abdul Hamid Khan, the Ottoman tow dome mentioned green released the first of the dome green dye and the color was blue before that on the lead plates, and then was still renew painted green whenever needed so to this day. And it was named after the green dome painted green and was known in Casablanca and Al-Fayhaa and blue. In 1296 in the month of Shaaban, a large box fell from the windows because of the green dome rushing mighty wind, and was reconstructing the order of Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan.
Dome Minor under the green dome built Sultan al-Ashraf Bey small dome on the Prophet's room under the roof of the mosque instead of the wooden ceiling of the chamber prophetic before the fire Prophet's Mosque fire and the second was the construction in 881 AH has required his opinion modify the wooden ceiling of the chamber dome nice under the roof of the Prophet's Mosque this and Baidoa dome and all the walls outside with stucco. The height of the dome of the land of the chamber to a convex dome top eighteen arm and a quarter, or about nine meters. It has been working out in the seventh of Shawwal 881 AH.

M.khald Mustafa 

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